For Deb Hodges Shelton ’94, Reunion Weekend is a chance to reconnect with college classmates, hang out at old haunts, and fall in love with Mary Washington all over again.
“Our alumni really do have a unique relationship with our alma mater since it’s a smaller school,” said Deb, a longtime Reunion Committee member who enjoys getting to know graduates of other classes. She looks forward to spending future reunions with one soon-to-be alum, in particular. “My daughter is a rising sophomore at UMW, so our traditions will carry on!”
More than 700 alumni, families, and friends are expected to return to the University of Mary Washington for the four-day Reunion Weekend, held May 30 to June 2, celebrating classes ending in 4 and 9. Yet, all are welcome to participate in parties and picnics, campus tours, lectures, family fun, class photos, arts and cultural events, beverage tastings, trips to downtown Fredericksburg and Carl’s for ice cream, and much more.

“Reunion Weekend is full of celebration and reconnection, not just with our lifelong friends and classmates, but also with our alma mater,” said Executive Director of Alumni Engagement Mark Thaden ’02. “We hope our alumni leave Mary Washington next week with even more memories than they had before.”
Festivities kick off Thursday with a special day planned for the 1908 Society and the Class of 1974, who are commemorating 50 years since their graduation. The day will include student-led campus tours, a trolley ride through historic Fredericksburg, a Mary Washington House tour, a welcome reception at Brompton with President Troy Paino and wife Kelly, and a three-course dinner. Throughout the weekend, UMW Galleries, Simpson Library, and the UMW Bookstore will also be open for browsing.
These graduates will also be treated to a Friday night cocktail hour and dinner at Gari Melchers Home and Studio at Belmont. Other classes will have gatherings across campus and downtown Fredericksburg that evening.
Alumni College lectures on Friday and Saturday will feature faculty members delving into fascinating topics like killing cancer cells with heartburn medications, why college newspapers matter, campus biodiversity, and a collaboration to craft the world’s spiciest beer.
Saturday begins with an early morning fun run and walk across campus. The Cedric Rucker University Center will host a breakfast for members of UMW’s Alumni Affinity groups.
Academic and athletic departments will hold open houses that morning. In the afternoon, alumni can get a sneak peek at plans for the new theatre and the fine arts and music buildings renovation and attend a meet-and-greet and book signing with alumni authors.
President Paino will also present a university update and Alumni Awards in Seacobeck Hall’s Weatherly Wing, followed by a picnic lunch on Ball Circle and class photos on the Lee Hall steps.
Activities continue with a wine, beer, and cider tasting to let alumni unwind while their little ones watch a children’s movie in the Jepson Alumni Executive Center, followed by the all-class party in the Cedric Rucker University Center.
The weekend wraps up Sunday with a farewell brunch and a tour of Gari Melchers Home and Studio at Belmont.
Register for Reunion Weekend and download the Reunion Weekend app for a full schedule of events, updates, and announcements. View the Reunion Weekend brochure. Search “Mary Washington Alumni” in your iOS or Android app store and use the code UMW2024. Follow “UMW Alumni” on Instagram and Facebook and tag #MaryWashReunion and #LifeAfterMaryWash.
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