Scholarships help history and Spanish major achieve her dreams
At the University of Mary Washington, Ruth Curran ’25 discovered a passion for social history, researching what a person experienced during a historical event or period.

“It shows us how we are connected to people from long ago and can increase our empathy and understanding of people around the world today,” said Ruth, whose own story wouldn’t be possible without those who came before.
She’s especially grateful for the donors who established the Hamlin A. Caldwell Jr. and Joseph C. Vance Memorial Scholarships in History and the Ethel R. Chrisman ’48 Modern Foreign Language Scholarship. These awards have helped Ruth major in both history and Spanish, while working as a yoga instructor and a server in a restaurant to support her family.
“These scholarships have lightened my financial load so I can focus on my education while being a single mother and a commuter student,” said Ruth, who first visited UMW with a friend, not realizing how close the campus was to home. “Hearing about his success here made me feel like I could finally finish my education, which I had wanted to do for so long.”
Ruth chose to study history after realizing how much historical misinformation could be found on the internet. “It’s critical that we look at history accurately and objectively, exploring different perspectives to see things from new angles,” she said.
That outlook influenced her decision to pursue a master’s degree to become a librarian and help the public access information. Her Spanish major will help her interact with diverse communities, she said.
“It’s a career that’s in line with my values,” said Ruth, who recognizes the role her scholarships have played in her present and future. “I appreciate that my donors have invested in my education and empowered me and other students to reach our goals.”
For more information about creating scholarships now and through your estate plans, contact Jan Clarke at or 540-654-2064.
– Article written by Assistant Director of Advancement Communications Jill Graziano Laiacona ’04 for the Gift Planning Connections newsletter, Fall 2024