Giving Stories
Heritage Newsletter
Giving to Mary Washington has a positive impact on students and donors. Click here to read the latest edition of the Heritage Newsletter.
Amphitheatre Groundbreaking, Naming, and Challenge
The University of Mary Washington recognized two long-time donors June 4, 2016, at a groundbreaking ceremony for the century-old amphitheatre on the Fredericksburg campus. The outdoor facility, slated for renovation, has been renamed the Heslep Amphitheatre, in honor of 1956 alumna Josephine McPherson Heslep and her husband, Donald, of Richmond.
The Hesleps, who attended the ceremony with their family, have generously supported University initiatives, including a significant endowment for the UMW Philharmonic. The couple’s latest gift of $1.25 million helped push contributions toward the $3 million fundraising goal.
UMW recently received a challenge gift from the Mary Morton Parsons Foundation. If UMW secures NEW gifts totaling $125,000 for the amphitheatre, the Foundation will match with its own contribution of $125,000.
Gifts to the amphitheatre challenge may be made at
UMW Honors Longtime Supporters

UMW honored two members of the Mary Washington community during a dedication ceremony for the President’s Box held November 15, 2014, at the Anderson Center. Paul A. Dresser Jr. and his wife Julie W. Baxter of Williamsburg, Va., were recognized for inspiring, supporting, and advancing UMW students and programs through service and giving.
Paul’s involvement with Mary Washington began in the early 1990s as the parent of an enrolled student. He served on the Mary Washington Board of Visitors from 1992 to 2000, including two years as Vice Rector and four years as Rector. He then served on the UMW Foundation Board of Directors from 2001 to 2014, leading as Chair of both the Audit Committee and the Investment Committee.
In addition to his dedicated work on the BOV and the UMW Foundation Board, Paul and his family are supporters of the Fund for Mary Washington, members of the UMW Heritage Society, and donors to multiple Dresser family scholarships.
In support of the Mary Washington First Campaign, Paul recently endowed the Julie Baxter Scholarship for BSN Completion and also specified the amount of his estate pledge to enhance endowment levels of other Dresser scholarships.

More than 40 guests attended the ceremony at the Anderson Center, including Amanda Dresser Gada ’95, Director of UMW Athletics Ken Tyler, and representatives of UMW’s Board of Visitors, Foundation Board, and Alumni Board.
A dedication plaque bearing Paul and Julie’s names will be placed inside the President’s Box. Donors who make significant Campaign gifts to create and enhance UMW program or scholarship endowments may be eligible for future naming opportunities.
The $50-million Mary Washington First Campaign began July 1, 2011, and went public April 26, 2014. As of October 31, 2014, Mary Washington alumni, parents, friends, faculty, staff, and businesses have committed more than $32 million in gifts and pledges. The Campaign is scheduled to conclude June 30, 2016.
Visit or call 540/654-1024 for more information.
Fall Heritage Newsletter
Giving to Mary Washington has a positive impact on students and donors. Click here to read the latest edition of the Heritage Newsletter.